The American Burn Association reports that, on average, 486,000 people suffer burn injuries requiring medical treatment every year. Victims burned in fires, explosions, and other incidents are often left with severe injuries that require expensive medical treatment and cause extreme pain. Common types of burn injuries include temperature burns, chemical burns, electrical burns, and radiation burns. Scalding injuries occur from exposure to moist heat such as hot liquids or steam and are the most common type of burn affecting children.

If you have been burned as a result of another individual or company’s actions, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, disfigurement, pain and suffering, and other harm caused by the negligent party. It is important to speak with an experienced catastrophic injury attorney to learn more about your rights and options. Our Mankato burn injury lawyers are prepared to fight for what you deserve.

Medical Care for Burn Victims

Burns are often classified by degree (first, second, third) and severity (minor or major). Treatment for burn injuries is determined by the type of burn, severity of tissue damage, size of burn, and area of the body affected.

A first-degree burn is a minor burn that affects the outer layer of the skin. The skin will be red and painful. A first-degree burn can be treated at home with topical ointments and pain relief.

A second-degree burn is more serious and affects both the outer and inner layers of the skin. The skin will be red, blistered, and swollen. A second-degree burn should be treated by a doctor with topical ointments and pain relief, as well as possible antibiotics if the burn is infected.
A third-degree burn is the most serious and affects all layers of the skin. The skin will be white or black, charred, and numb. A third-degree burn requires immediate medical attention and may require surgery.

All three of these severe burns can result in a burn injury case or lawsuit. Reach out to the law firm of Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz to get full compensation for medical expenses and more in the face of negligence, defective products, or another cause of severe burn injuries.

Serious Burn Injuries

A few common types of serious burns include chemical burns, electrical burns, thermal burns, and radiation burns.

Chemical Burns

Chemicals can cause a burn in two ways: by direct contact with the skin or by contact with the clothing that the person is wearing. The most common symptoms of a chemical burn are a red, painful rash and blisters. The rash may spread to other parts of the body. The person may also feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous.

The most common symptoms of a chemical burn are skin redness, pain, and swelling. Blisters may also form on the skin. If the chemical is swallowed, the person may vomit, have a burning sensation in their throat, and experience difficulty breathing.

Electrical Burns

Most electrical burns occur when a person comes in contact with a high-voltage source such as a power line. Low-voltage burns are less serious, but can still cause significant damage. Electrical burns can also occur from contact with electrical equipment, such as power tools, appliances, and wiring.

Electrical burns can cause extensive damage to the skin, underlying tissues, and muscles. The extent of damage depends on the amount of electricity that is transmitted through the body. Electricity can cause the skin to burn, char, or blacken. It can also cause the underlying tissues to swell, liquefy, and cook. Muscles can also be affected, causing them to contract and spasm.

Thermal Burns

Thermal burns can be caused by many things, including fires, hot liquids, and hot objects. The severity of a thermal burn depends on the temperature of the object or liquid and the amount of time the object or liquid is in contact with the skin. Thermal burns can cause extensive damage to the skin, underlying tissues, and muscles.

Radiation Burns

Radiation burns are a type of burn that can occur when a person is exposed to radiation. The gravity of a radiation burn depends on the amount of radiation that is transmitted through the body. Radiation burns can cause extensive damage to the skin, underlying tissues, and bones. Radiation exposure can occur through a variety of sources, including X-rays, CT scans, and radiation therapy. Even a small dose of radiation can cause a burn.

Burns can be a very serious injury and can cause long-term damage to the skin and underlying tissues. If you have suffered a burn, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The doctors will be able to treat the burn and may also refer you to a specialist for further treatment.

Contact a Mankato Burn Injury Attorney Today

Burns are some of the most painful injuries a person can suffer. They can be caused by a number of things, including exposure to fire, flames, or heat, as well as contact with certain chemicals or electricity. While most burns can be treated and healed, they often leave behind scars and other long-term effects.

The attorneys at Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz have successfully represented and fought for people injured or killed due to burn injuries. If you or someone you love has suffered a burn injury, it is critical to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately to fully investigate your claim and preserve critical evidence.