In 2012, on average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in a traffic crash. Pedestrians are at an increased risk of personal injury or death since they have no protection from cars or other moving vehicles in a collision. Children are even more susceptible to being hit by motor vehicles because of their small stature, which makes them difficult to see.

Common causes of crashes involving pedestrians include distracted driving, poor visibility, drunk driving, failure to yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully crossing roadways and poor roadway design.

Contact a Mankato Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

The attorneys at Maschka, Riedy and Ries have successfully represented and fought for people injured or killed in pedestrian crashes. If you or someone you love has been injured as a pedestrian, it is critical to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately to fully investigate your claim and preserve critical evidence. Our Mankato pedestrian accident lawyers have experience handling cases like yours.