Many truck accidents are the result of negligent actions behind the wheel. Unlike car wrecks, truck collisions often involve an employer who bears responsibility for the actions of their commercial driver.

You should speak to a Northfield truck accident lawyer immediately if you were hurt in a collision. Our seasoned personal injury attorneys are here to help you take legal action.

Main Causes of Truck Collisions

Trucks have unique features that can increase the chances of an accident. For instance, they have a higher center of gravity, making them more likely to roll over. The chances of a rollover are higher when combined with driver errors, overloaded cargo, and bad weather conditions. Negligent actions by a truck driver, such as fatigued driving or speeding, can also increase the chance of a crash.

You should speak to a Northfield truck accident lawyer if you were involved in a wreck with a commercial truck, which may include one of the following:

  • Tractor trailers or eighteen-wheelers
  • Package delivery trucks
  • Heavy haulers
  • Farm trucks
  • Tow trucks
  • Box trucks
  • Garbage trucks
  • Construction vehicles (e.g. cement-mixing trucks)
  • Tanker trucks
  • Service repair trucks, like plumbing trucks

Several Parties Are Potentially Liable For Truck Accidents

A skilled attorney can help determine the responsible party for a Northfield truck crash. Depending on the cause of the wreck, a plaintiff may have to file a lawsuit against multiple defendants.

Since many truck collisions involve commercial vehicles, a truck driver’s employer may be liable. For example, the state’s common law holds employers vicariously liable for negligent actions by their employees within the course and scope of performing their job.

Employers can also have potential liability for an employee truck driver’s accident under a theory of negligent hiring or negligent entrustment.

It is important to note the Minnesota no-fault insurance system requires a person to first file a claim with their own insurance if they suffer injuries from a truck accident, regardless of who was at fault. Minn. Stat. Ann. § 65B.51.

An injured party can only file a personal injury lawsuit against another at-fault party if their medical expenses exceed $4,000 or the injury resulted in permanent disfigurement, permanent injury, death, or disability that lasts at least 60 days.

Wrongful Death Claims From Truck Accidents

To recover in a wrongful death lawsuit, one of the decedent’s surviving next-of-kin must file a petition to be appointed as a wrongful death trustee. Once appointed, the Trustee has a duty to maximize any recovery for the benefit of all the next-of-kin. A Trustee must bring a wrongful death lawsuit within three years of death. A truck accident lawyer can help you understand the statute of limitations for your truck accident claim.

Talk With a Northfield Truck Accident Attorney About Truck Crash Injuries Today

If you or a loved one was injured in a Northfield truck crash, speak with one of our trusting and compassionate legal professionals.

We are a Southern Minnesota firm that prides itself on providing the high-level services you would expect in a Twin Cities law firm. A Northfield truck accident lawyer can meet with you for a free initial meeting to discuss your case.