A spinal cord injury can be a devastating event, leading to paralysis and a loss of sensation. Other serious health problems can also arise, making life difficult for the individual and their loved ones. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, it is important to seek legal help.

A spinal cord injury can occur in a number of ways, including car accidents, falls, and sports injuries. No matter how your catastrophic injury occurred, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A Mankato spinal cord injury lawyer could help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

There are over 10,000 spinal cord injuries estimated every year in the United States. Spinal cord injuries are often life-changing injuries for the victim and their family. Victims of spinal cord injuries often sustain permanent disability or paralysis. Spinal cord injuries are categorized by the amount of function left below the injured level of the spine and are either complete or incomplete. Complete injury means there is no function below the level of the injury. Incomplete injury means there is some function below the level of the injury.

There are many different types of spinal cord injuries. The most common type of spinal cord injury is a cervical spinal cord injury. This occurs when the cervical spine (neck) is injured. A cervical spinal cord injury can result in paralysis of all four limbs (quadriplegia). Other common types of spinal cord injuries include thoracic spinal cord injuries, which occur in the chest area, and lumbar spinal cord injuries, which occur in the lower back. These injuries can cause paralysis of the lower extremities. Injuries to the spinal cord can be caused by many different things, including car accidents, falls, and sports injuries.


Spinal cord injuries can be very costly to treat. Victims of spinal cord injuries often require extensive medical care and rehabilitation. This can be very expensive, and it can often require the victim to live in a long-term care facility. The costs of treating a spinal cord injury can often be hundreds of thousands of dollars. These costs can be a burden for the victim and their family.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, you may be unable to work and may have mounting medical bills. You may also be unable to enjoy life the way you once did. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses, including medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Compensation can help you pay for the costs of your injury, including medical expenses, rehabilitation, and lost income. You may also be entitled to damages for your pain and suffering.

It is important to seek legal advice to find out if you are eligible for compensation after being injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. A Mankato spine injury attorney can help you file a claim and will work to get you the maximum amount of compensation possible.

When an individual is injured as the result of another person or entity’s careless actions, they may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can cover a wide range of expenses, including medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Types of Compensable Damages

Medical expenses are one of the most common types of compensable damages. These can include the cost of medical treatment, prescription drugs, and prosthetic devices. Rehabilitation expenses can also be compensated, including the cost of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

If an individual is unable to work due to their injury, they may be entitled to lost income compensation. This can include the amount of income the individual would have earned if they had not been injured, as well as future income that may be lost as a result of the injury.

Pain and suffering is another common type of compensable damage. This can include physical pain, emotional anguish, and any other negative consequences suffered as a result of the injury.

It is important to note that not all injuries will result in compensation. The injured party must typically prove that the other person or entity was negligent in order to receive a payout. This can be a complicated process, and it is often advisable to speak with an experienced attorney if you believe you may be entitled to compensation.

The amount of compensation you receive may also vary depending on the severity of your injury, the insurance coverage of the person responsible for your injury, and other factors. A spinal injury lawyer in Mankato can help you determine how much compensation you may be eligible for.

A Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you have been injured, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. A  lawyer can help you file a claim and will work to get you the maximum amount of compensation possible.

To learn more about your legal options, contact an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer in Mankato. They can help you understand your rights and guide you through the legal process.

Contact a Mankato Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Today

At Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz, our attorneys have years of experience helping people who have suffered spinal cord injuries. We know how to get the best results for our clients, and we will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

We understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your future. We will take the time to listen to your story and answer your questions. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you understand your legal options and are comfortable with the process.

The lawyers at Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz have a proven track record of success in spinal cord injury cases. We have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, and we are ready to help you, too. Living with a spinal cord injury can be very costly, and we will fight to get you the level of care you deserve to continue to live a full life with dignity. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury, contact the experienced Mankato spinal cord injury lawyers at Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz for a free consultation to discuss your rights.