Riding a bicycle is a common way to get around during the summer, but it can also be dangerous. When you have been injured in any type of accident, it is essential to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to understand your available options for compensation.

At Maschka, Riedy, Ries, & Frentz, our Mankato bicycle accident lawyers have helped many clients who have been injured in collisions involving bikes. In most cases, the person injured can file a personal injury claim or lawsuit against the person or company whose negligence caused the accident. This process can help you recover the money you need to pay for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses. Our legal team understands the law, and we know how to get you the compensation you deserve.

Understanding Rights for Bicyclists

As a bicyclist in Minnesota, you have the right to use the roadways with traffic. Drivers are expected to be responsible for sharing the road with cyclists, but often, they do not follow their responsibilities concerning bikers. Although bicycles have smaller frames and are lower to the ground than cars, which can make them harder to see, that is not a valid excuse for hitting a cyclist. Just as drivers always check for approaching cars when they drive, motorists should also always check for cyclists before they turn at an intersection or merge onto a road.

When you have been hurt in a Mankato bicycle accident, our attorneys could investigate all aspects of the collision to ensure damages awarded are just. We will aggressively pursue your case to ensure you get the maximum recovery for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other damages.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Some of the following negligent driving behaviors can lead to collisions between automobiles and bikes:

  • Speeding
  • Drunk driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving or road rage

Sometimes, people other than a negligent driver are also to blame for a crash. For instance, if the driver was a trucker who was on the clock at the time of the accident, their employer could be legally responsible for a cyclist’s damages.

Additionally, a manufacturer could be a potential defendant if a defective automotive part led a driver to hit a cyclist. A Mankato attorney well-versed in the nuances of bicycle accident claims could help you understand your available options and advocate for you during this time.

Work With a Mankato Attorney For Your Bicycle Accident Claim Today

The Mankato bicycle accident lawyers at Maschka, Riedy, Ries & Frentz are experienced in handling bicycling crash cases and are passionate about advocating on behalf of the rights of injured cyclists. We understand that being injured can be a traumatic experience. That’s why we will work tirelessly to help you get the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and any other damages you may have sustained.

When you or someone you know has been injured in a bicycle accident, contact our firm immediately for a free consultation to protect your rights. We will work to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.