A personal injury case is a civil claim or lawsuit someone brings because they were hurt and incurred unexpected expenses or losses. If the injured person can show that another party’s negligent, reckless, or intentional behavior breached a duty of care owed to them, they may be able to recover damages to help them pay for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
If you or someone you know was injured, your next move should be to contact a Northfield personal injury lawyer. Our seasoned attorneys can discuss your case with you and help you develop a solid strategy to pursue fair compensation.
Personal injury lawsuits are civil matters. The plaintiff’s attorney, representing the injured party, identifies the appropriate Minnesota court to handle the case. The attorney then serves a complaint on the individual or entity alleged to have caused the injury. These individuals or entities are referred to as the defendants.
The defendants will be able to respond to the allegations in the complaint. As the case proceeds, both sides will exchange information, known as discovery. At the later stage of the lawsuit, the parties will have the opportunity to present their evidence and arguments before a judge or jury.
A personal injury settlement is a legally binding agreement that concludes a claim or lawsuit related to a particular event. This typically means the injured plaintiff agrees to drop their lawsuit against the defendant, whom they allege was responsible for their injuries, in exchange for monetary payment or other agreement.
In today’s legal landscape, most civil cases in the United States settle instead of going to trial. In fact, many cases settle before a lawsuit is ever filed. Settlements offer advantages for both parties, including a more efficient resolution of the dispute, lower legal costs, and the ability to keep the terms of the settlement private.
Having an experienced advocate during the settlement process, which often involves extensive negotiations, is essential. This is where having a Northfield personal injury lawyer can prove beneficial. They can provide insight into whether a settlement offer is fair or whether a case should proceed with litigation or even go to trial.
If you have been injured by another party’s negligence, it may be beneficial to contact a Northfield personal injury lawyer. Your attorney can discuss the incident with you and advise whether you should bring a claim or file a lawsuit.
Whether your case goes to trial or is resolved with a settlement agreement, you can have the peace of mind that an experienced professional is handling your claim to help you get the best possible outcome.