Property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe from hazards that may injure visitors and guests. However, many of the common causes of slip and falls in Mankato are the result of a property owner’s negligence.
You should speak to one of our compassionate slip and fall attorneys about filing a personal injury lawsuit if you were hurt in an accident. We take pride in providing exceptional legal services for our local community.
Common slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere in Mankato, including public venues. Some examples of businesses or stores where slip and fall accidents take place include the following:
A slip and fall can also happen on private property, such as inside one’s home or on a driveway, stairs, or sidewalk.
Slip and fall accidents are usually the result of hazardous or dangerous conditions on the premises. Some of the most common conditions that can lead to a slip and fall are:
For more information about potential claims after a slip and fall, speak with a seasoned personal injury attorney today.
Slip and fall accidents in Mankato can cause significant injuries that can have a long-term impact on a person’s quality of life. These injuries may require surgery or physical therapy.
Even minor injuries can limit a person’s ability to work and provide financial support for their family. Some of the most common injuries from slip and fall accidents are:
Slip and fall injuries can lead to long-term limitations on the individual’s ability to perform daily life tasks. For example, suffering a spinal cord injury can lead to permanent paralysis.
After a slip and fall accident that results in injuries, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit for negligence to recover compensation. You will most likely pursue the claim against the person or company that owns the property where the accident occurred.
To prove negligence, you must first show the property owner breached a duty of care. For example, property owners have a general duty to keep the premises reasonably safe and clear of hazards that can injure invited guests or other expected visitors.
If an unavoidable hazard exists on the premises, the property owner is generally responsible for adequately warning guests about the potential harm. Courts will typically only impose a duty to warn if the owner knew, or should have known, about the hazard.
Additionally, a successful negligence claim requires the plaintiff to prove that the breach of duty was the proximate cause of their injuries, which can be categorized as damages.
Damages can consist of both economic and noneconomic losses. Economic damages include measurable financial losses, such as medical expenses. Noneconomic damages cover immeasurable losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, or mental anguish.
It is important to note the government is afforded certain immunity from legal claims related to slip and falls, with limited exceptions. For example, you cannot sue the government for slipping and falling on snow or ice accumulations on a highway or public sidewalk, except when the condition is affirmatively caused by the negligent acts of the government entity, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated § 466.03.
If you believe you were injured in a slip and fall accident due to negligence, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. Our Southern Minnesota team of attorneys is here to help you if you need us.
An initial meeting to discuss your case and the common causes of slip and falls in Mankato is free of charge. We are not afraid to fight on your behalf to help restore order to your life. Reach out today to learn more.