A wet floor accident in Mankato can result in serious injuries, which can lead to expensive medical bills and missed time from work. You may be facing long-term health consequences that impact your day-to-day life.

If you or a loved one was hurt by a slippery surface, our compassionate team is here to help you take legal action. Call today for a complimentary meeting with a skilled slip and fall attorney.

Common Causes of Wet Floor Accidents

Some actions or events that can  cause a slippery surface, resulting in an accident, include the following:

  • Mopping or cleaning floors
  • Leaks from water pipes
  • Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, sleet, snow or ice
  • Spills that were not cleaned up
  • Failing to clean up bodily fluids, such as blood or urine

Other conditions on the premises, such as poor lighting or visibility, can magnify the potential harm of slippery surfaces.

Property Owner Liability For Dangerous Conditions

Those injured in an accident caused by wet floor conditions in Mankato may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit based on a theory of negligence. The state generally holds property owners liable for known hazards.

Property owners have a general duty of care to keep their property free of harmful conditions and provide adequate warnings to invited or expected guests about potential hazards. For example, a store owner who has mopped a floor during business hours should place a wet floor sign in the area to warn shoppers about slippery conditions. A defendant may also face liability if they neglect their duty to inspect and perform reasonable maintenance.

Potential Forms of Compensation

When you can prove you suffered injuries from a property owner’s breach of duty to maintain reasonably safe premises, the potential damages you may be able to recover include the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages from missed time at work
  • Lost future economic opportunities
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish

A personal injury attorney can help you calculate your losses from an accident and pursue a fair damages award.

Potential Limits on Premises Liability

A wet floor accident that imposes premises liability can happen in various public places in Mankato. However, it is important to note that the property owner’s liability is potentially limited if the accident occurs on government property.

Minnesota Statutes Annotated § 466.03 provides that the government has immunity in most cases if a slip and fall was caused by accumulating snow or icy conditions on a highway or public sidewalk, unless negligent acts by a municipality caused the condition.

Consult With a Mankato Attorney About Your Wet Floor Accident

If you believe your wet floor accident in Mankato was caused by negligence, please call us to schedule a free initial meeting with our out-state legal team.

We pride ourselves on providing our local community with the high-level services you would expect from a Twin Cities law firm and are not afraid to fight for you.